Wed, 27 Mar 2024

Seamless Efficiency: The Power of Integrated GIS and SAP  

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Pfalzwerke Netz AG leverages VertiGIS’ expertise to incorporate restricted area detection capabilities into network construction projects. 

“With the integration of restricted area recording into the SAP interface, we were able to standardize key processes and significantly increase the acceptance of GIS functionalities in the company.”  

Dr. Silvia Schukraft, Head of the Geographical Information Service at Pfalzwerke Netz. 


“GIS for non-GIS specialists” – that’s the motto at Pfalzwerke Netz AG. To help keep this slogan an enduring reality, the German utility wanted to graphically log the spatial extent of their network construction projects, including the recording of so-called “restricted areas” into the organization’s SAP, enterprise resource planning system. Restricted areas are zones in which grid fabrication projects are planned or already underway. While information about these areas is recorded during the planning and initiation of most projects, it is often not part of the construction information system and must be integrated separately once building activity begins. 

The employees responsible for this usually do not have a full GIS editor workplace at their disposal, nor do they have the necessary know-how to operate one. Gaining the ability to capture graphical data without needing to use a full-fledged GIS workstation, while integrating it into an automatic workflow for evaluation by company management and external information seekers would represent a big step forward for Pfalzwerke Netz. 


With a proven track record validating that graphical data and interactions can be saved into an SAP and integrated into a its interface, the utility chose VertiGIS Integrator and the SAP front-end integration framework from VertiGIS to make their project a success. Both products use technologies that are ArcGIS Server™-based and make it possible to fully integrate the GIS world with the SAP world.   

A framework based on the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API makes it possible to integrate map displays and functional elements into the SAP user interface. Both SAP and GIS functionalities can be addressed and synchronized in the interface. Thus, system boundaries disappear, and system breaks can be avoided. 

VertiGIS Integrator is at the heart of data integration between GIS and SAP. Data can be synchronized in the background based on standardized protocols such as iDoc, REST and ODATA. Synchronization is transaction-secured. The data transfer is always monitored and administered. This makes the VertiGIS Integrator an EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) tool that is specifically designed for handling long (GIS) transactions and short (SAP) transactions. 


With the front-end integration of GIS data into their SAP user interface, Pfalzwerke Netz can realize benefits that include:  

  • Increased work efficiency for personnel – Project data and construction zones can now be recorded by a single person without special GIS expertise. Data is stored consistently in both databases, while incorrect entries are easier to prevent, and data entry times are significantly reduced. 
  • Enhanced planning – Management can study grid construction projects in detail and view them in context. Restricted areas can be automatically classified in the construction information system, while areas requiring additional information can be quickly identified. 
  • Superior usability – With the front-end integration of GIS into the SAP user interface, a significant step was taken to achieve easy and efficient usability of two critical company applications.   

The success of this solution reflects the vast potential for further efficient implementations in other areas. 

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