Thu, 24 Sep 2015

M4 Version 15.5 is Here!

M4 Color 300 dpiAfter months of hard work, determination, coffee, and extensive testing, M4 Version 15.5 has been officially released! Our Support and Client Services teams can’t wait to show you all the new features and enhancements—over 60% of which came from user suggestions. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of M4 version 15.5…

  • First, let’s talk M4 Web Console. We’ve introduced some new visual query tools that improve the planning and managing of your revenue generation strategy. These initial serviceability tools are the first step towards the new M4 RevGen module launching in the 2016 release of M4 RevGen Suite.
  • M4 Workforcegives you more control of functionality than ever before, with a new emphasis on email options and search features. In the Create Ticket tab, you can create questions and answers that must be filled out when inputting ticket or customer information. You can also now set your default serving area by technician.
  • M4 Reportingnow includes the executive dashboard, where executives and managers can log in and see updated metrics and statistics, including customizable performance reports.
  • With M4 Process Manager, you can now change the status of a task by right-clicking an assigned task within the M4 Process Manager management page and selecting the task state to which you’d like to transition. M4 Process Manageralso displays notes in the data tab for all tasks associated with the overall process.
  • Moving on to M4 Assignment, there are a number of new enhancements in this release. New steal and swap functionality has been added to make stealing and swapping elements an easier process. Users can also quickly add notes and attachments to tickets. While making an assignment, use the element search to easily find the element necessary for that assignment. Also, you can now quickly populate elements that are pre-provisioned during manual assignment.
  • M4 Circuit Manageris easier to use than ever, with improved custom fields and configuration changes to optimize the fiber circuit form.

If you’re as excited about these enhancements as we are, contact the friendly folks over at Mapcom Support to schedule an upgrade- remember, upgrades are included as part of your yearly M4 Maintenance plan! Simply email us at and we’ll schedule a time to get you upgraded to the latest and greatest in M4 technology.